Sunday, February 3, 2008

I'm Gettin' RAINED On!!!!

My heart is so full that if I don't share some of it, it's going to burst. I have no idea if this is going to have any sort of form to it or just random splurges of excitement spit on a page.

This is such an amazing season of life right now...

I have never been so in love with the Lord

My mom is going into have another baby tomorrow

I have dear friends of mine being blessed with God ordained relationships and/or getting engaged

I'm having breakthroughs with my roommate and coworkers

I'm getting quality time like crazy with my brothers (all 7 of 'em!)

I get to take a trip to Washington next month

I've been able to talk to Kortie Grace EVERYDAY (I love her so much it hurts)

The Lord continues to confirm and open up doors with the 'moving' situation

and oh yeah did I mention that...


A friend of mine told me a couple weeks ago that she was praying I would recieve a special blessing that day. I take stuff like that very seriously. I just said, "Ok, God...I want to receive Your blessings today. Don't hold anything back, just release it and let Your grace POUR over me. I wanna be showered with it!" Boy, did He deliver! At first I was expecting some huge "WOAH!!!!" type of blessing but then I realized His blessing was in a ton of little things I didn't even know were important to me. He showed me that there wasn't anything out of the ordinary that He was doing, yet my perspective had changed. Instead of letting things go by without acknowledgment, I kept asking, "Is that my blessing?" The answer was YES!!! When we have an expectancy to receive...we're gonna receive!!!! Then I began to wonder, how many blessings have I overlooked simply because my gaze wasn't upward? Asking for His blessing in the lives of others has never been a problem for me but when it comes to asking for myself its another story. Not anymore...He has so much waiting for me. It's as if tons of gifts wrapped beautifully are sitting there waiting, wanting to be opened but I'm just to stupid to ask for them.

Ever since this major paradigm shift I have felt so full. Not because much has changed, I'm simply acknowledging its presence now. Every kiss or "Shake 'n' bake!" from a brother, every phone call from my favorite person (Kortie, of course), every conversation with Dad or hug from Mom holds more value than I could have ever imagined. It's a strange feeling though, I'm so full it seems as if I couldn't take anymore 'goodness' yet, I still want more. I NEED more. That's what is so incredible about the love of God, it can't be contained or measured. It's indescribable and humbling.

And I am truly humbled beyond reason...

P.S. I'll post pictures of baby Payton after tomorrow:))))


Morgan said...

Have I mentioned you should write devotionals...well you should cuz you got some zingers in there :)

Dance in the rain Kay, dance in the rain... :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Kaylee girl....
I need your email address....
love ya girlie!

Morgan said...

i believe you just got dumped BLOG...NEW BLOG!!!

Anonymous said...

Girl, I think it's time for a new blog, don't you? I mean, you just have so much to share *wink, wink*
Love ya!